1. Tras visualizar el vídeo “Enviados a transformar”, reflexionar sobre el papel que podemos desempeñar, a nivel personal y de nuestro entorno, para trabajar a favor de alguno de los principios de la DSI. Señalar algunas pistas concretas.

We all together doing small things in places that need help can achieve great things.
On a personal level and in our environment we can play the role of helping to change the world from the closest and smallest we have, without going too far, thinking if there is something we do not like and trying to change it, trying to help the people we have day by day by our side and that maybe they can go unnoticed. Working this way, for example, the basic principle of the DSI of "making community", since we must strengthen the bonds between people to develop a peaceful coexistence, another principle that we would work could be "The common good" leaving individualism aside thinking more about the people around us and finally we could also name the one of charity and solidarity since they are always necessary along with empathy to adequately help others, in truth, it would be ideal for all people to work all the basic principles of the DSI, in this way we believe that society would function much better, thinking and helping others.

2. Investigar sobre un  movimiento cristiano de compromiso social  y presentar su compromiso y actividades en relación con la Doctrina Social de Ia Iglesia.
    Posibles (u otros que se conozcan):
Juventud Obrera Católica  Juventud Estudiante Cristiana  Comunidad de San Egidio  Movimiento Cultural Cristiano  Manos Unidas  Movimiento Familiar Cristiano  Comités de Solidaridad Oscar Romero  Cáritas  HOAC  …

FASTA - Brotherhood of Agrupaciones de Santo Tomás de Aquino
This Christian movement was born in 1962 in Leones, Argentina, on the initiative of the Dominican Anibal Ernesto Fosbery, initially as a lay fraternity of Dominican spirituality.
This movement seeks the evangelization of culture, family and young generations through systematic human and spiritual formation, enlightened by the Magisterium and the teachings of the doctors of the Church, mainly St. Thomas Aquinas.
It has a priestly branch and a lay branch.

3. Hacer una breve valoración personal sobre la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia:
- su importancia hoy, tiene sentido o no en esta sociedad, qué puede aportar…
- qué nos ha aportado a nosotros su conocimiento.

- In my opinion, the Social Doctrine of the Church can contribute that society, especially institutions, realize that this doctrine promotes the rights of men and women, dignity, solidarity, work, freedom, participation and social justice
With the Social Doctrine of the Church we try to appeal to the participation of the people to achieve a common good.
- Not only offers general solutions on a large scale, but small gestures or actions that everyone is able to do. It gives us a little hope to change the world and invites us to collaborate or promulgate the cause.


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2.6 Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (DSI): criterios e implicaciones prácticas