1.Tras leer el final de la parábola del samaritano, reflexionar sobre su contenido:
La parábola,termina con el cuidado integral de la víctima,abriendo una etapa“estructural o política”. Dicho de manera gráfica, pasaríamos de la urgencia de vendar heridas a la necesidad de construir hospitales y buscar financiación para su mantenimiento...(Mejor que dar pescado es enseñar a pescar está muy bien...pero ¿qué pasa si nos envenenan el río? ¿O si alguien compra el río,que era de todos, y nos prohíbe pescar?
-¿En qué consistiría esta etapa o momento?¿Qué exige?
-¿Consideramos que es necesaria? ¿Por qué?

This stage would consist of teaching the person to fend for himself instead of interfering with him every time he needs it, since doing this does not teach him to do anything for which he does not learn.

2. Después de visionar el fragmento de  “Sophie Scholl”, analizar las siguientes cuestiones:
- ¿En qué pueden coincidir religión y política? ¿En qué deberían diferenciarse? - Investigar las diferencias entre laicidad y laicismo - ¿Deben participar los cristianos en la vida pública o política o guardar lo que dice su religión para su vida privada? ¿Hasta dónde debe llevarles su conciencia? - ¿Cómo entender la frase “Una misma fe puede conducir a compromisos políticos diferentes” (O.A.  50) “. 

- They can coincide in the education of each person and in helping the disadvantaged, and in ethics, even though in politics and ethics today they are usually separated.

-Laicity: must be denounced as a perversion of democratic freedoms. Religious freedom belongs to the most fundamental rights of the human person and of society, with no other limit than necessary.
- Laicism: the enlightened claim to safeguard the freedom of civic conscience in the face of theocratic debauchery, will be the worst enemy for those who consider themselves oppressed as soon as their right to oppress is limited.
Being a Christian person must reconcile both areas, since religion is specific to each person and an act of faith, and politics, also influences your person, since depending on the government could be influenced, ie affected or benefited.
-The conscience should lead you to do things ethically and in accordance with the foundations of the church.
-It means that within a same faith there can be differences between the possibilities and opinions of political choice, since not everything can be the same for two people since both can have different mentalities, since the values ​​of each person go beyond Faith.

3. La política debe ser el complemento y, en cierto sentido, la anticipación del deber cristiano de la caridad. Construir la sociedad resulta también un deber que nace de la fe y un medio para testimoniarla.  
(“Mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, puede cambiar el mundo” - Eduardo Galeano).
- Presentar argumentos para desmontar la frase “los cristianos no deben meterse en política”.
- Investigar y presentar algunos “samaritanos” y “posadas” ya existentes actualmente, personas y entidades que,  desde su fe,  se han implicado en compromisos estructurales o políticos, para responder a la necesidad de crear un mundo justo y bueno para todos y todas.

-The Christians are people just like the rest of the population, they have individual ideologies like everyone else, the difference is that they have them marked by a specific goal, the mere fact that a person is Christian or does not have the capacity to do the good and evil.
We should respect the right to freedom of thought and expression, even if the religion or way of thinking is not called Christianity.
- Nelson Mandela from the presidency of South Africa fought against "apartheid" for the equality of the entire population.
-Unicef: Provides humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
-Manos Unidas: It is the association of the Catholic Church in Spain for the help, promotion and development of third world countries. It is also a non-governmental organization for the development of volunteers, Catholic and secular.


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